su wen - the basic (simple) questions
Huangdi Neijing Suwen - 黃帝內經素問
Unschuld’s translation project for the Su Wen come in four volumes. The 1st covers the history and background of the text, the 4th is a dictionary and the 2nd and 3rd volumes are the translation itself. Volume I can be considered the best resource for the history of the Su Wen and for a history of the versions of the text.
Unschuld, Paul, Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen, Berkeley, University of Berkley Press
Unschuld, Paul, Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen: An Annotated Translation of Huang Di's Inner Classic - Basic Questions, 2 volumes, Volumes of the Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen Project. Berkeley, University of Berkley Press, 2011
Unschuld, Paul, Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen: Nature, Knowledge, Imagery in an Ancient Chinese Medical Text, Berkeley, University of Berkley Press, 2003.
ling shu - the spiritual pivot
Huangdi Neijing Lingshu - 黃帝內經靈樞
The Ling Shu is the second part of the Huangdi Neijing. The editions of Lingshu that we have today are all based on Shi Song’s edition from 1155, all versions prior to the 12th century have been lost.
No recommended translation.
Available translations in English:
Wu, Jing-Nuan, Ling Shu, or, the Spiritual Pivot Asian Spirituality, Taoist Studies Series, University of Hawaii Press, 2002.
Some sections translated in:
Larre, Claude and Rochat, Elisabeth, The Heart. Monkey Press, 1991.
other translations for the neijing
Veith, Ilza, trans, The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine, University of California Press: 2002. (First edition 1949)
Larre, Claude, Way of Heaven, London: Monkey Press. 1996.
Li, Zhaoguo, trans. Library of Chinese Classics: Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Medicine Plain Conversation, Shi Jie Tu Shu Chu Ban, Xian Gong Si, 2005.
(A three volume text translated into English from modern Chinese)
Zhu, Ming, trans. Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor, Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2001.
(translation of the main textbook on the subject currently used in modern TCM schools in China)
Lu, Henry, A Complete Translation of The Yellow Emperor's Classics of Internal Medicine and the Difficult Classic, Vancouver: International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Vancouver, rev. 1978 edition
(He also offers here › the original Chinese with numbered passages to compare to the English translation)
Kong, Y.C., trans., Huangdi Neijing/A Synopsis with Commentaries, Hong Kong: Commercial Press, 2010.
(A translation of Li Zhong-zi’s Neijing Zhiyao, focused on eight chapters of the original text, focused on the Suwen.)
Sivin, Nathan. Loewe, Michael ed. Huang ti nei ching 黃帝內經 in Early Chinese Texts: A Bibliographical Guide, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1993: 196-215.
Nghi, Nguyen Van, Dzung, Tran Viet, and Recours-Nguyen, Christine, trans. Huang Di Nei Jing Ling Shu, translated from French by Garbacz, Edward, Jung Tao School of Classical Chinese Medicine, 2002.
(Link to the downloadable version to the right)
Komjathy, Louis trans. Yellow Thearch’s Basic Questions.
Ming, Zhu, trans. The Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor. Beijing: Foreign Language Press, 2001.
Wu, Nelson Lianshen and Wu, Andrew Qi, trans. Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine. Beijing: China Science & Technology Press, 1999.
Wilms, Sabine trans. The Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Vol. I, The Chinese Medicine Database, 2010.
(Translations of sections of the text; contains select chapters from Neijing and Nanjing).